Extract Interval Data


Advanced Feature: The feature or features discussed in this section require an advanced subscription. For more information, see Basic and advanced features.

Retrieve the datalogging information recorded by an ERT or meter and save the data to the device command log. The FDM server retrieves the device command log during sync. Datalogging functions enable the devices to maintain a historic record of period readings taken over weeks or months. Currently, Extract Interval Data is available only for devices which support it that are operating in mobile mode.

Note: The Extract Interval Data command can take up to 90 seconds to collect the data for all datalogging intervals. Be sure to remain within radio range of the ERT or meter until Field Tools finishes retrieving the information.

The maximum storage and reporting details for interval data collection varies by ERT and meter type. For more information, see the ERT or meter type you're working with, below.